Find out what does facial toner do and what it is exactly

What does facial toner really do? and how to use it

Taking care of your skin is the key to achieving a face and neck free of impurities and expression lines. For this reason, nowadays more and more skincare and beauty products are launched to satisfy this...
Recreate the makeup of the 20s step by step

20's makeup trends & step by step guide

Do you want to recreate a 20th century look for a special occasion? If the style of the crazy 20s is your favourite and you want to know all the tips and tricks about the makeup trends and beauty ideals of...
Discover the steps to follow to make a homemade and natural rose water

How to make rose water: preparation and benefits

Rose water is a homemade beauty product that has been used since for many years thanks to its pleasant aroma and beneficial properties. This natural facial toner removes dead cells, delays ageing, hydrates and helps tissue...
Find out if mango is fattening or not and how many calories it has

How many Calories are in a Mango? Nutritional facts

Mango is a well-known and much loved tropical fruit, whose sweet flavour captivates the palate of many people. It is also a food that has a wide variety of health benefits for us since mangos contain...
Find out what the hair care routine known as the Curly Girl Method consists of

What is the Curly Girl method and which products are best for this routine?

Currently there are many hair products and routines to maintain strong and healthy hair. One of the most popular at present is the Curly Girl Method, aimed mainly at curly or wavy hair and keeping it...
Know which are the best eye contouring creams for 50 and over

The 6 best eye contour creams for your 50s

As the years pass we all know that they leave traces on our body and little by little expression lines, bags and the so-called "crow's feet" begin to appear. Luckily today there are a wide variety...
Best ideas for what to wear with men’s grey trousers

What to wear with grey Trousers for Men

In men's fashion, grey is a dominant colour, especially when it comes to smart trousers or jeans. Grey trousers for men work well with both smart wear and a casual look. it is a colour...
Foods with vegetable protein for a healthy diet

9 foods that high in vegetable protein for a healthy diet

Fat, carbohydrates and protein are the three most important macronutrients for our body, because they allow the body to remain healthy with proper function or our organs and be healthy. Protein and amino acids are...
The best gifts for 15-year-old girls

Gifts for 15-year-old girls - 8 original ideas

If you have a teenager at home and her special day is approaching, pay attention because we bring you some original gift ideas for fifteen year old girls to make sure you get it right...